12 Masterpieces Everyone Knows, but few Have Noticed the Hidden Details
Patch of Grass by Vincent van Gogh
Succulent grass is not the only thing depicted in Van Gogh’s “Patch of Grass”. In 2008, Dutch scientists analysed the canvas under an X-ray and discovered a portrait of a woman hidden beneath the grass. The painter often painted over his older works. Experts estimate that around a third of the artist’s early paintings contain such hidden images.
The Sistine Chapel ceiling by Michelangelo
Who would have thought you could find anything indecent on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican (naked people don’t count). But look at the angel behind Zechariah’s back. The baby is holding his hand in a very special way. This gesture was considered offensive in those days.
The fresco, located directly above the pope’s throne, contains a direct insult to the authorities of that time. The fact is that Michelangelo disagreed with the politics of the church, so in this artistic way he was able to express his protest.
The Gallery of Cornelis van der Geest, Willem van Haecht
It’s hard to imagine how much work, talent and diligence van Haecht had to put in to painting the “The Gallery of Cornelis van der Geest”. The Flemish painter was a master at recreating painting and sculptures from different eras on his canvas. The artist didn’t forget to include “Easter eggs”, either. A closer look at the painting reveals a self-portrait of Willem van Hacht, observing the scene from his position on the stairs to the right.